“Boston Ivy” plants (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) are climbing vines that cover outer walls of many buildings. They are also called “Japanese Ivy” and can quickly overtake the area in which they are planted, climbing on any support nearby.
V Studio (http://www.5vstudio.com/) has developed an installation in China that preserves the memory of old towns that are about to be demolished. The silhouettes of the dry branches on the walls are copied with reused-steel structures that conform a lattice. The lattices will later conform an empty volume emulating the demolished house.
The finished structure allows new ivy to grow on it, so it works as a “urban greening device”.
Full info and pics by: https://www.designboom.com/design/v-studio-artwork-shanty-towns-china-12-06-2017/?utm_source=designboom+news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=V+studio%27s+boston