2019 is just around the corner. Smart Room Barcelona didn't want to wait to speak about this: PANTONE 16-1546 is the code for the featured colour for next year. Pantone 2019 colour will be Living Coral.
Pantone Color Institute detects a series of trends every year, and decides on which color reflects them better. Pantone has speaks about this year choice as one of "carefree happiness" and "optimism". Due to its presence in Nature (in a direct reference to coral reefs), this points out directly to the need of preserving species.
This colour clearly brings an optimistic mood into design.
How can Pantone 2019 colour affect your participation in events on 2019? Can you introduce certain colour accents into your graphics? Can you think about marketing actions that involve this colour? Will your staff's uniforms include certain hints of this hue?
Let us know if you have any ideas and contact Smart Room Barcelona for requests on interior design! We can tell you how to handle colour into your branding strategy. And how to incorporate it into your communications.