Some days ago by the end of the workday, the whole team went for a walk along the Passeig Maritim (Maritime Promenade) in Vilanova i la Geltrú. We wanted to enjoy the sea and a moment of laughter together. While we ate some ice cream, we walked enjoying the last rays of sunlight that bathed everything around us in a reddish and increasingly dim light.
The lighthouse on Sant Cristòfol Beach
We went to Sant Cristòfol Beach, where there is a lighthouse that stands 27 metres above sea level and which has been in operation since 1905. A member of the team told us that there had previously been another lighthouse, built in 1866, and that they had decided to replace it with a taller one, as it was only 12.6 metres high and had a short range. We began to discuss the function of lighthouses, and we all agreed that they are built with the intention of marking the coast and guiding sailors through the dark sea under the black blanket of night.
The current lighthouse consists of a tower topped with a silver dome at its highest end, attached to a square building with a porch overlooking the sea. Since 1981, the old lighthouse keeper’s house has been converted into a space called ‘Espai Far’, which keeps the collection of the Museum of the Sea, with a rich seafaring heritage that has been created by different fishermen and dwellers of the Seaside Neighbourhood with their donations.
Three flashes every 8 seconds
On this point, we all agree that lighthouses point out the coast and help sailors to know their position in relation to it. The flashing of their lights generates the so-called “identification signal” that alerts sailors to their distance from the mainland.
The colour
Lighthouses don’t only play an important role at night, but during the day they also have a peculiarity that allows sailors to see them from a great distance. How? Well, because of the colours of their tower in relation to the background; lighthouses built on the coast are usually white and those in the open sea or against a light background are usually brightly coloured or have red, blue or black stripes.
A visual message
In our field we can find a clear parallelism: the design and construction of our customised stands allow us to communicate a direct and concise message to the client. We put all our experience and creativity into building a beautiful stand. It will always be aligned with your brand, so that your potential customers are attracted by the designs, structures, colours and elements and approach them with curiosity.
The message that you send out from your brand is just as important as the visibility of your exhibition stand, so that it stands out and shines as brightly as the headlights in the middle of the night.
Do you want to enhance your brand message and support it with a beautiful and eye-catching customised stand? Do you want to stand out at the fair, capture the attention of your customers and attract them to your booth?
Contact us and we will find the best way to achieve this.